Wednesday, May 22, 2013

How Did It All Start...

It was a knee jerk reaction--I VOLUNTEER!!

Just as every eligible young woman felt when they heard the announcement, I knew instantly that I'd go on a mission. I'd be nineteen in the coming weeks, the semester would end shortly after, and I could be on my way to an unpronounceable providence in Russia before the end of January! Sign me up!
The day went on and the thought sunk in. Am I supposed to go? Was that announcement for me? I mean, I had made the decision a long time ago to live as if I was in preparation to go on a mission, so it wasn't as if I didn't feel qualified; however, I hadn't felt any spiritual manifestation that I was supposed to go. I prayed and fasted and went to the temple to try to get some kind of confirmation of my decision. Nothing came, but I began my mission papers as soon as I could so I could be ready. But I ran into problem after problem. Naturally I thought, this is a sign. These set backs are getting out of hand, so maybe I shouldn't go.
But then I had my interview with the Stake President. To be honest, I was rehearsing possible questions and answers in my head for hours, hoping that that would prepare me, but there was one question I couldn't find an accurate answer to: Why do you want to go on a mission? I sat through the interview as if it was a conversation with someone who'd known me from the beginning. Eventually the dread question arose. Why do you want to go on a mission? And just like that (insert finger snap). A light bulb. The curtain opened. The fog lifted. I knew exactly why.

For my future family. For my husband, where ever he is. For anyone out there who doesn't know what Christ did for them and what it means for them. I want to go on a mission because I know the Gospel is true, just as I know the sun will rise day after day. And though I am young and inexperienced in many areas of life, I have endured a fair share of trials that have given me a unique perspective of the Gospel and I can't keep that to myself. I want to share what I know and help others while also building the testimony I already have.
That was my spiritual confirmation that I was supposed to go. So my papers were submitted and all I had to do wait for the big white envelope.

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